Athens Concert Hall Organisation
Total value: 
GRD 60 billion in current prices at construction time
1991 – to date
92.000 m2
430.000 m3
Project Description: 

This complex project includes the construction of:

  • Concert & Congress Hall (one of the most modern world-wide) of a 1,600-seat capacity
  • Multiple uses Hall, 500-seat capacity
  • Greek Multimedia Music Library
  • Banquet Hall, 1,000-seat capacity
  • Conference Halls
  • Parking (750 spots)
  • Restaurant
  • A new Music Museum
  • Stores
  • Various Auxiliary Areas

Additionally, the project includes the full redevelopment of surrounding areas, which are to be transformed into a cultural park which will be an valuable source of greenery as well as a recreation centre for both the area’s residents and visitors.

Completion of Phase II will mean that the Athens Concert Hall will become the most important cultural complex in Greece and one of the most fully equipped in the world. Its hall will have the capacity to host high-standard artistic events (concerts, opera, drama and dance performances). Further, the fully equipped conference halls will allow for hosting highly demanding conference events.

The Athens Concert Hall will be the venue for the International Olympics Committee meeting during the Athens Olympic Games in 2004.

Construction of the Project is currently under way. 

Scope of Services: 

Following our Organisation’s participation in the performance of the project’s Phase I, our Organisation now participates in Phase II, in cooperation with other firms (at a participation ratio of 33%), which concerns the provision of the following services:

  • Project Management,
  • Preparation of a Cost-Benefit study
  • Preparation the Preliminary Design
  • Preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Study
  • Preparation of the Tender Documents
  • Organisation of and Assistance with the Tender
  • Technical Supervision of the construction and equipment installation
  • Scheduling and Cost Control
  • Organisation of the Temporary and Final Commissioning of the Project